Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rats...Rats...and more Rats.

There is nothing worse in this world than to deal with rodents in your attic. Once a rodent finds an access place into your attic they will stay for a very long time. If there is a food and or water source around they may never leave.
Why am I writing about this? Last week we had to deal with river rats. Hundreds of river rats spread around 3 to 4 thousand square foot attic on Sewalls Point. River rats smell more than a conventional rat and they get BIG. I have seen river rats as big as a cat.
How do I know if I have rodents in my attic? The first would be a musty odor in your home, this is not always detected from the home owner. The second way is to hear scraping sounds from your upstairs or the sound of scurrying feet. The third and worst way is when insulation comes out of your vents in the house and that room stops cooling.
How do I get rid of these rodents? First of all I recommend you contact a professional for this situation. They will trap, (live and dead trapping) bait, and I have even seen one man shoot these pesky critters with a pellet gun. If all else fails a female cat will LOVE to hunt for you in the attic.
Till next week may your crawl space be clear of rodents, and always STAY COOL.

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