Friday, March 18, 2011

Hold My Calls, I'll Be In A Meeting With Mister Charlie

Ever since we moved the office Mr.Charlie has taken up full time residency there. He has his Air Force One Presidential blanket with him at all times. My have to put him on the payroll soon if he keeps putting in the hours he has.
I'll let everyone in on a secret, he would work on the cheap, probably a couple of Pup-a-ronis a week or a cow ear or two.

Spring has been very kind to us this year. Perfect temps, dry air and chilly nights for a very extended time. I have a feeling that is going to change soon and it will be drastic. So what am I saying? If you need it cleaned, checked, fixed or whatever......let's get it on.

Went to see the Captain, strangest I could find
Layed my proposition down, layed it on the line.
I won't slave for beggar's pay, likewise gold and jewels.
But I won't slave to learn the way, to sink your ship of fools.

Ship of fools on a cruel sea.
Ship of fools sail away from me.

Sailing an even keel,

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