WOW bundle up boys and girls it's gonna be chilly. We checked into a seriously cool hotel The Parker Omni it is the oldest countinuasly running hotel in America and it was a block away from the Orpheum Theater.
Let's see if the band can warm us up tonight?
Orpheum Theater
Set I
Come Together> (Beatles: first song from Abbey Road)
Feel Like A Stranger>
Alabama Getaway>
Promised Land
Cream Puff War>
Good Lovin'>
Come Together>
Good Lovin'
Set II
The Music Never Stopped>
The Wheel>
Uncle Johns Band>
Playin' In The Band>
Crazy Fingers>
The Other One>
Morning Dew>
Help On The Way>
Franklin's Tower
Phil's Donor Rap
E: The Golden Road To Unlimited Devotion
A very good solid played show for the first night of the tour. A slight sound control and a little choppy in the first set, but they squared all that away and took us to the next level on the second set.
We were tired from the day of flying and wandering around Boston, we stopped at Barracudas had a snack and a cold Blue Moon micro brew from Colorado and went off to snoozeville, dreaming of tomorrow.

We got up early to check out Boston and we had our sights set on Mike's Pastry's in North End. Boston is not a large sprawling city, it is very friendly to walk and a lot of sights to see. The tempeture warmed up very nice and were expecting highs to hit 70.
Not too shabby.
North End is the Italian part of the city with a ton of gooood smelling resturaunts, we spent a good part of the day checking out open air markets, street performers, walking the Freedom Trail (the British are comming) and eating our way from block to block.
We got to Mike's and it did not disappoint at all.
Went back to the room and showered and I decided to wear my usual concert attire.
Bathing suit, T-shirt, and a bandanna. It was 67 degrees at show time and inside a 176 year old Theater there is no ventallation.
I don't think Bostonians see many shorts, they kept touching them and telling me I'm a few miles from the beach. Oh well time to get our game on.
Orpheum Theater
Set I
Born Crossed-eyed>
Something (Beatles: second song from Abbey Road)>
Dire Wolf
Loose Lucy>
Row Jimmy>
Tom Thumb Blues
One More Saturday Night>
Set II
New Speedway Boogie>
Caution Do Not Stop On The Tracks>
China-cat Sunflower>
I Know You Rider
King Solomon's Marbles>
Standin' On The Moon>
Shakedown Street>
Not Fade Away
Phil's Donor Rap
E: Ripple
This show was the real deal, blew our socks off and kept on delivering. The balcony seat were literally swinging, a few times I thought it was going to tumble. The temps indoors on the second set was at least 100 degrees and everyone was sweaty, I'm so glad I had my bathing suit on. The crowd was electric spilling into Boston Common Park. Hootin' and a hollerin' for some time. Ana and I made our way to Barracudas had a snack and and a cold Blue Moon and skipped to our room.
Good times, yea real good times, fell asleep with King Solomon's Marbles dancing in my head.

Sunday morning we didn't jump out of bead as early but were were out by 10am and we decided to go back to Mike's and get some snacks to take home to the boy's. We stopped at Freedom Hall and checked out a lot of different archetectre, Boston is a real cool old city. Odd shaped buildings with hand carved wood and stone is the norm.
The temps again were tickling 70 and it was an overcast day with rain on the horizon. Hope it stays dry till show time.
It does and we head on over, in my swim suit.
Orpheum Theater
Set I
Here Comes Sunshine>
Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Beatles: third song from Abbey Road)>
Mason's Children>
Viola Lee Blues>
King Bee>
Viola Lee Blues>
Next Time You See Me>
Viola Lee Blues
Set II
The Mountain Song>
St. Stephen>
The Eleven>
Dark Star>
Nobody Girl>
China Doll>
Dark Star>
Going Down The Road Feeling Bad
Phil's Donor rap
E: And We Bid You A Goodnight
Boston was blessed with three great nights of music, we stepped outside and it was raining pretty hard, we skipped and danced to Barracudas for a snack and a couple of cold Blue Moons. The night was the end of our stay, we packed our stuff and slept for a few hours before our flight home.
Great food.
Great Music.
Great City.
Great times.

The flight was nice the plane was not full, I dozed in and out and we got home before the kids got home from school. They were stoked on the goodies from Mike's.
Even with such a fun adventure it is always good to be back home.
Looking forward to a few Florida dates in April.
Till then......happy trails
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