This is pictures of shotty work. These are pictures just this week.
Everywere I go, supply houses, customers homes, stores, and even at dinner. People keep asking me. How's bussiness? It has been slow here.
Bussiness has been booming for me, in fact I have to turn work down sometimes. Why you ask?
It is because we ONLY do quality work. Work that will stand the test of time.
Most of our customers come from word of mouth. Do a job leagaly, clean upon completion, and be on time customers will flock to you in droves.
Just something I wanted to get off my chest.
So contractors beware out there you never know when someone will take a picture of your "work" and it ends up on the internet for the whole world to see your sweet work.
Mabey we can call it THE WALL OF SHAME.
Enjoy the winter weather in Stuart and don't forget to call your freinds up north and tell them how cold it got last night here.
P.S. My spell check is not working properly so if something is misspelled OH WELL.
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